Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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I made this slide show way too fast. I was just watching it and saw lots of spelling errs. Oh well it was too much work to just throw it away now. But if it suddenly disappears you'll know why.

Monday, January 10, 2011


My sister Evelyn's baby was blessed this last week. We were so happy that we could attend. Her father gave a wonderful blessing.
Kiari is such an adorable baby. Reed and I were both excited to hold a baby girl. Evie even let me dress her!!!!! I think she thought I was a little weird for getting excited about that. But for the record there is something totally different about dressing a girl than dressing a boy!

Grandma Christensen Blankets

Reeds mother made a goal to crochet blankets for all of her Grandchildren. I think she has finished making them for all the grandchildren here but with two more on the way I am sure she will still be quite busy. They are beautiful and the boys really love them.


We had a great Christmas! We spent Christmas eve with Reed's family. We went caroling as a family which was a new experience and kind-of fun. The boys loved it especially because while we were at the last house Santa clause answered the door and gave all the kids candy canes. Dean however, was very concerned that we were not at home in our beds because "Santa does leave presents unless we are all asleep!"
Christmas morning I was the first to wake up (as usual) and I anxiously awaited for the rest of my family to wake. After opening presents we headed over to my parents house and spent the rest of the day just hanging out with them. It was all wonderful.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Presents for VT

OK my visiting teachers presents are done and delivered. Now I just have to make four more in two days. Think I can do it????

Yep, another birthday!

We had lots of fun for Levi's birthday!!!!! We went to a place called bounce. It was just right for Levi he could run a jump and slide all over the place. After this we went to McDonald's and let the boys play in the play area. (They almost had just as much fun doing this.) Levi was so tired by the end of the night we had to wake him up to open presents and blow out the candles. I call that a perfect day!!!!

Reed's birthday was on Sunday this year. His birthday request was to get home from church, get in pajamas and just play together as a family. Which we did and we had a fabulous day!