Monday, November 1, 2010


I was really lame for Halloween this year. I didn't put up any decorations except a sign that said "Boo." Most of the boys costumes were from years past. I didn't make any of the fun treats we usually make to take to friends and neighbors. However, the boys didn't notice any of this. They were just as excited this year as in years past. Reed and I could not stop laughing at Andrew running up to the doors as fast as he could, pounding on the doors and saying "Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat, Trick or treat" until a candy was dropped into his bag. His excitement lasted all day. This made me think about how much I try to overdue things sometimes. I always think I'm doing this or that to make the kids have a better experience but in the end they are always the ones that make it fun!
I also want to give Brooke and Aubrey a big THANK YOU!! Reed didn't get home till eight so I was grateful for their help till he got home!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!:)


ktmcgary said...

Cute picture. The nice thing about having younger kids is they get the older kids handy me downs. Sad but true. They looked good though no need to spend money if you don't need to.

Ken and Amy said...

Hey!!! So fun to catch up with you guys. All of your boys are so big and handsome! I died laughing at your post of the boys pulling out their teeth for a dollar! :) I'm back to got alittle crazy this summer, but stay goal is to catch up, so keep checkin! Love ya!

Beth said...

Go vikings!!!!